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Latest News
NUMSA Members to benefit from Absa’s tailored banking solutions
NUMSA claims back its investment division
NUMSA in housing venture
Absa partners with trade union Numsa
Union investment firms show us the money


NUMSA Investment Company (Proprietary) Limited ("NIC") is a diversified investment house focusing on high-return and market-leading companies.

NIC was established in 1997 to create wealth and improve the lives of members and employees of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and their families. Benefits include tertiary education bursaries for the members and employees children as well as highly preferential purchasing terms on essential products and services.
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NUMSA's over 290 000 members collectively earn in excess of R1.5 billion per month and are major stakeholders in provident funds with assets in excess of R150 billion. The union is one of the leading affiliates of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and a member of the International Metalworkers.  


Our Board of Directors brings a wealth of experience, financial and technical knowledge from diverse disciplines.
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Doves Group
Numsa Financial Services
Numsa Property Group
Anchor Alliance
Unlimited Internet Play